Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back in the Blog

June 29, 2010

I started this Blog a couple of years ago with good intentions of sharing information about my experiences to pass the Bar Exam in hopes that others would benefit from these experiences. I cannot believe it has been more than two years since I posted anything here. So much has happened related to my efforts to obtain a law license that I became distracted from my original motivation for starting this Blog.

Now that I am back, I will strive to be more diligent in sharing my experiences and hopefully the experiences of others who hope to pass a Bar Exam.

Most recently, I have been engaged with a State Character & Fitness committee that has recommended I not be allowed to take their exam. I plan to write about the entire experience with details once I complete the process but for now I will say that anyone facing a Character & Fitness hearing should take the matter very seriously.

I am becoming a fan of the idea that there should be a National Exam accepted and recognized by all 50 States and any U.S. Territories. It is easier for a physician to relocate and work in the United States than it is for an attorney. That is just wrong in my opinion!