Friday, June 24, 2011

My Shingle — Great Things Come in Small Practices

My Shingle — Great Things Come in Small Practices

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

YouTube - Hearsay Exception

YouTube - Hearsay Exception

YouTube - Bar Exam Study Center

YouTube - Bar Exam Study Center

YouTube - #1 Way to Improve Your Bar Exam Scores

YouTube - #1 Way to Improve Your Bar Exam Scores

Sunday, June 12, 2011

NILAS - A Better Legal Learning Curriculum

NILAS - A Better Legal Learning Curriculum

The Mind Over Bar Course | Mind Over Bar

The Mind Over Bar Course | Mind Over Bar

Sign a contract to pass the bar exam

Sign a contract to pass the bar exam

Recommending the Bar Exam Mind

How you use the time between now and the next bar exam will determine whether or not you pass the exam. Because you graduated from law school, no matter what your ranking, you have the intellectual ability to pass the bar exam. I repeated the bar exam multiple times so I know from first hand experience the effects of not managing life's distractions. You must carefully manage your time so when you are studying there are no distractions. But it is equally important for you to schedule time to exercise and meditate. You need to be physically and emotionally strong going into the bar exam!

Review the schedule you have in place. Does it allow for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day? Do you allow yourself time to rest your mind? One successful bar exam applicant scheduled a movie every Friday afternoon. This may or may not work for you but it worked for her. Preparing for the Bar Exam is more about how you prepare and less about how many hours you prepare.

A fellow blogger has recently written a book which you might find helpful in managing the stress associated with preparing for the Bar Exam. He has successfully completed the Oregon and California Bar Exams and shares my desire to disseminate information that can improve any applicants chance of passing any Bar Exam. I highly recommend you visit to access his ebook and other well written tips you might find helpful in your journey towards becoming a licensed attorney.