Monday, April 18, 2011

Study Schedule for July 2011 Bar Exam

The more popular bar exam review courses are designed to take advantage of your rote or short term memory and therefore usually start about eight (8) weeks before the exam. If you are fortunate enough to not be working and can dedicate yourself to studying without distractions or interruptions for 8 weeks then these programs will work with one disclaimer. You MUST do the work as assigned, NO EXCEPTIONS!! Failure to follow instructions and failure to do all the work as assigned and on schedule will increase your chances of failure.

If you cannot dedicate uninterrupted 8 weeks of your life to prepare for the bar exam then you must start earlier. In my personal opinion, if you can allocate some additional time to begin reviewing rules and substantive law before you begin practicing then you will benefit from the additional study time. Plan for distractions and interruptions because they will most likely happen.

If you allow more time to prepare, you can and should prepare your own study outlines and flash cards in lieu of buying or using others. It is not the outlines that makes the difference but the work you do in preparing the outlines.

Anyone who made it through law school can pass the bar exam if you are honest with yourself and do the work!!!! Read, and then take practice tests to reinforce what you just read.

You will succeed!

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