Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Time to Start Studying

If you plan to take the July 2011 Bar Exam you may want to consider beginning your studies now. Even before you begin a bar review course you can at least identify the subject areas that will be on your jurisdiction's bar exam and begin work on creating subject matter outlines. You have approximately ten (10)weeks from now until the exam in July. You will need time to study your outlines and write practice exams so you can see there really isn't a lot of time to be fully prepared between now and the July exam.

If on the other hand you have begun studying, you can really improve your chances of passing the bar exam by aggressively avoiding and/or eliminating distractions. When I attempted to study at home, I was constantly going to the refrigerator, answering the phone, turning on the news and anything else I could think of to stay away from my desk. Studying at home may work for you if you have more discipline that I had but if you find yourself having difficulty focusing on your studies it may be time for a change of venue.

Good luck to all! If you put in a good faith effort you will pass the Bar Exam.

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