Sunday, January 22, 2012

When to begin studying for the July 2012 Bar Exam

As crazy as it may sound, now is the time to start preparing to study for the July 2012 Bar Exam. Anyone can pass the Bar Exam if they KNOW the rules! But to know the rules, including all elements, you need plenty of time to memorize the rules and with the many distractions you will experience you need at least four months in my humble opinion. You can prepare for the Bar Exam without spending a ton of money on review courses but that requires a lot of self discipline and time. One of the best self-study programs I have discovered can be found at The author of that web site failed the bar exam and then passed the California bar exam. She documented her experiences and recommendations and makes her information available via the above referenced web site.

I wish you all the very best luck but know you can pass the bar exam if you start studying early, and minimize all distractions.

Good luck!

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