Tuesday, July 10, 2012

14 Days to Go

There are approximately 14 days remaining to the July 2012 Bar Exam. Candidates for the exam should continue to practice exams until the day prior to the actual Bar Exam. Focus on issue spotting and recalling rules of law. Your rules do not need to be verbatim but should contain the essential elements. Do not panic during the bar exam. If you cannot remember the rule, create one to the best of your ability and then apply your rule to the facts in the question. The more practice questions you can find time to write between now and the exam the more confident you will feel in the exam. I know it sounds crazy but I have met individuals who did not study until two weeks before the Bar exam and passed. I don't recommend that schedule but mention it to highlight the fact that so long as you stay focused and put in the time, you can and should pass the Bar Exam. Best of luck to all candidates for the July 2012 Bar Exam!

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